Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Last updated 4/20/2021
Syspoint , SARL
Last updated 4/20/2021

Syspoint LLC – is the owner of the Syspoint ® affiliate tracking software and the sole operator of the Syspoint Masters Conference. This Privacy Policy (“the Policy”) explains how Syspoint , SARL(“the Company”) collects, uses, stores, protects, and in some limited instances shares data, including personal data, generated by Syspoint clients and third parties that interact with Syspoint and its clients.

Syspoint is committed to complete transparency as to how we use your personal data. To that end, if you have any questions regarding this policy, we encourage you to reach out to our Data Protection Officer using the details set out below:

Contact Details

You can contact us as follows:
FAO: Syspoint , SARL

Address: Tanger City Center
Bloc R4A, ETG11, App 11,Tangier 90 000. Morocco
Telephone: +212-66-099-5753
Email: [email protected]

Syspoint reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. We will notify you of any material changes to the Policy by posting the modified Statement at and changing the Effective Date at the top of the Policy. This Policy is incorporated into the Acceptable Terms of Use and, if you are a Syspoint customer, into your License Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of that License Agreement.

A copy of this Policy is available upon request.

How does Syspoint collect data?

Syspoint collects data in two ways: by interacting directly with a client or user and by receiving data as provided by a client or third party. If you are a client or potential client that is interacting directly with Syspoint , you are providing data, including personal data directly to Syspoint. This occurs when you sign up for a Syspoint demo and/or for the Syspoint Affiliate Program. When you sign up for any Syspoint service, you are going to be asked to provide certain information such as your name, email address, company name and web address. This method of collection occurs through the registration form.

Syspoint also receives information relating to third parties from Clients through the use of the Syspoint Software. If, for example, a client utilizes Syspoint software to monitor online marketing behavior for certain advertising campaigns, end user data will be forwarded to Syspoint through application of the Syspoint software. While Syspoint and the end user will never interact directly, that end user is generating information including things like his/her IP address, geolocation, and online behavior. That data is collected by the Syspoint Client and then forwarded to Syspoint through the Syspoint software so Syspoint can provide the Client with a broad range of services utilizing that data. In those situations, it is the Client who determines the purpose and means of the processing of the personal data. Syspoint and the Client have a written license agreement which governs the nature of that relationship and the obligations of the parties with respect to that personal data, but Syspoint does not control what personal data our Clients collect nor how they use it. Syspoint does take steps to protect all personal data that it receives from Clients, including the personal data of third parties, but the Client is responsible for ensuring that the personal data is properly collected and protected. Syspoint encourages its clients to review their own Privacy Policies and Data Protection Management Systems before collecting any personal data from any person.

In addition to data that you provide to us through voluntary registrations, email correspondence, telephone calls, surveys

What data does Syspoint collect?

The data collected by Syspoint falls into two categories: Client data and end user data. Client data is provided to Syspoint directly by a Client as part of the enrollment process and ongoing relationship needed to facilitate the Syspoint License Agreement. End user data is data that is provided to Syspoint by Clients.

Syspoint collects the following types of information about Client directly from those Clients:

Name (or Company Name)
Physical Address
Email Address
IP address
Phone Number
Pixel Tags
Imprecise Geographic Location Data derived from IP Address
Contact person
Banking account information/credit card information
Syspoint receives the following types of end user information from Clients:

IP Address
Imprecise Geographic Location Data derived from IP Address
Pixel Tags
Click data

Why do we collect this data?

We collect this data for a number of reasons. The basis for collection are 1) your consent (if requested and given); 2) to provide services to you under a Syspoint License Agreement in the event you are a Syspoint Client; 3) where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation; or 4) to further our legitimate business interests.

Syspoint is primarily engaged in the business of processing end user data for the benefit of our Clients. This means that in almost all instances, the end user does not interact directly with Syspoint. Instead, an end user interacts with one of Syspoint’ clients, or more specifically with an advertisement linked directly to a Syspoint client either because the Client placed the advertisement or did so through an Affiliate or Publisher, and Syspoint then processes the data that is generated by that end user activity. Through the application of the Syspoint software, Syspoint is able to provide useful information to its clients relating to the effectiveness of certain advertisements, campaigns, Client Affiliates, and Client Publishers. In this scenario, Syspoint  is the processor of personal data.

Syspoint  also collects personal data directly from Clients through Client consent. Syspoint collects certain client data such as name, email address, mailing address, IP information, and payment information when a Client signs up with Syspoint . Syspoint uses that personal data to facilitate the services it provides Client and to act on the contractual relationship between Syspoint and client including communicating directly with the Client, processing payment information, providing technical support, and in some limited instance marketing directly to the Client regarding certain available services (unless the Client has opted out of those direct marketing communications).

What does Syspoint do with this personal data?

Syspoint does a few different things with the personal data it receives. If the personal data is end user Data collected by a client and then provided to Syspoint for processing, Syspoint processes that information in a number of ways. Syspoint processes the data and reports that Data via its Syspoint software showing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, affiliates, and publishers. This includes reporting on click data for end users that shows the effectiveness of certain advertisement and campaigns as well as general end user behavior associated with those marketing efforts. Syspoint makes these reports and processed data available to Syspoint  clients via the client’s particular instance of the Syspoint software.

If the personal data is Client data that has been voluntarily provided by the Client through its written consent, Syspoint uses that information to communicate directly with the Client, to provide technical support, to assist in the Client’s use of that Client’s instance of the Syspoint software, and to directly market to that Client, in the event the Client has not elected to object to those direct marketing efforts.

With whom do we share this personal data?

Syspoint relies on third party vendors at times to assist them with the logistical support needed to operate Syspoint and the Syspoint software. This includes vendors that providing hosting services, database services, storage, DNS, call provider services, and geo-location services. Syspoint limits the information that we provide these third parties to the greatest extent possible. Further, all of our third party vendors have entered into an agreement with Syspoint to protect your personal data.

There are some very specific and limited circumstances where Syspoint must share personal data with others. Syspoint  may disclose personal data in the event of suspected fraudulent, malicious, or unlawful activity, or invalid traffic, or if we believe that we are legally required to do so.

What rights do you have to your data?

You have certain rights to your personal data. These rights include the right to be informed, the right to access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, and rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling. These rights are described in detail in the GDPR itself. If you wish to review the source material for these rights you can follow this link. If you have any questions regarding these rights or wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact [email protected]. Syspoint is committed to protecting and honoring your rights to the treatment, storage, and handling of your personal data.

How do you make a complaint regarding the handling of your data?

As part of the bundle of rights set out above, you have a right to notify the appropriate supervisory authority if there is a problem with the handling of your personal data. Each country in the EU and EAA has a supervisory authority who will field these types of complaints directly.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

Syspoint, SARL does not market to nor seek users under the age of 13. Information discovered to contain personally identifiable information on an individual under the age of thirteen will be immediately purged and never shared with third parties.

Note to California Users

Individual customers who reside in California and have provided their personal information to us may request information about our disclosures of certain categories of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. Such requests must be submitted to us at [email protected]. Within thirty (30) days of receiving such a request, we will provide a list of the categories of personal information disclosed to third parties for third-party direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, along with the names and addresses of these third parties. This request may be made no more than once per calendar year. We reserve our right not to respond to requests submitted other than to the address specified in this paragraph.

Notwithstanding any other provision, we may also engage a data provider who may collect web log data from you (including IP address and information about your browser or operating system), or place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser to enable you to receive customized ads or content. These cookies contain no personally identifiable information. The cookies may reflect de-identified demographic or other data linked to data you voluntarily have submitted to us, e.g., your email address, that we may share with a data provider solely in hashed, non-human readable form. To opt-out of these data provider cookies, please go to

Direct Marketing

With your consent, we and/or affiliate companies may sometimes contact you (by email, SMS text, letter or phone) in order to provide targeted marketing about our Services or their services (as the case may be). Such marketing communications will only be sent to you if you have given your consent when you registered for our Services and have not withdrawn such consent.

All marketing emails you receive from us or companies we work with will include specific instructions on how to unsubscribe and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Additionally, you can contact us as directed at the following link to unsubscribe from marketing from us and the companies we work with

What are cookies and how do we use them?

A cookie is simply a tiny text file containing pieces of data, stored when you visit a website. It’s designed to help websites remember what you did in the past. This can include whether you clicked on particular links or pages or read pages on the site as long as the cookie is valid.

To fit the new regulations, we’ve detailed the cookies used on this website for you to decide whether you want to keep using them or if you would rather delete existing cookies, or even disable the use of cookies on our websites altogether.

Syspoint uses three types of cookies.

Necessary Cookies:

These are essential cookies that let you to use the Dashboard and use its features depending on the device you’re using (language, screen performances, OS…). Without them, the quality of your navigation could not be ensured. These cookies don’t collect any information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you’ve been on the internet.

Performance Cookies:

These collect information about how you use a website, for instance, which pages you go to most often, and if you get error messages. They don’t collect information that identifies you; all the information is anonymous. It is used only to improve how the website works and how we can provide you with more relevant content.

Third-party Cookies

A third-party cookie is set by someone else. Sometimes targeting cookies are linked to other sites, such as Facebook.

The issue and the use of cookies by third parties are subject to the protection of privacy policies of these third parties. We inform you of the purpose of cookies that we know and means you have to make choices regarding cookies.

If you decide you’re not happy with the use of cookies on the Syspoint website or on your instance of the Syspoint software you can easily delete them from the cookie folder of your browser. You can also set your browser to block cookies or to send a warning notice before a cookie is stored on your computer. You can exercise your disagreement by changing the configuration of your browser.

For Internet Explorer
For Safari
For Chrome
For Firefox
For Opera

How long is personal data retained?

Different information is used for different purposes, and is subject to different standards and regulations. In general, information is retained for such period of time as is felt necessary to provide you with services you request, to comply with applicable regulations or legislation, and to ensure that you have a reasonable opportunity to access the information. If you no longer consent to us retaining your personal information, you can request that it be removed by contacting us at [email protected]. Syspoint Document Retention Policy is available for your review here.

Is your information secure?

Syspoint takes necessary precautions to preserve data security, based on the nature of your data and the risks posed by our processing, and in particular to prevent their being impaired, damaged or having unauthorized third parties get access to them (physical protection of premises, authentication procedures for our clients with personal and secure access using confidential identifiers and passwords, logging of connections, encryption of certain data, etc.).

What is GDPR and what is Syspoint doing to comply with it?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is legislation which was recently adopted by the European Union and which goes into effect on Mary 25, 2018. Syspoint has undertaken an extensive audit of its systems including an extensive audit of the data it controls and process, how it obtains and protects that data, and the relationships it has with third party vendors to ensure that the data is secure.

As part of its GDPR Compliance Program, Syspoint has updated many of its policies and procedures to ensure full transparency in its treatment of personal data. Syspoint relies on privacy by design and privacy by default principles, minimizes the data that it collects, controls, processes, and stores, and has implemented protocol to protect that data including increased awareness of threats to that data, quick response to any security breaches, and notification systems for clients, users, and supervisory authorities as appropriate.

Syspoint requires written agreements with its third party vendors ensuring that those vendors are GDPR compliant and are taking adequate steps to process and store personal data. Syspoint  has also implemented a system to adequately respond to data subject requests relating to any of the data subject rights memorialized in the GDPR including Right to Restrict, Right to be Forgotten, Right to Access, and so on.

We value your opinion. If you have any comments or question about our Privacy Policy, you can email us at [email protected].

Updates to this policy

Syspoint will update this Policy as needed. In the event of such an update, all clients will be provided with the updated Policy via their registered email for the Syspoint software. Additionally, an updated copy of the Policy will be available at